Steel Challenge
Speed, Accuracy, Competition and Fun are the hallmarks of a Steel Challenge match both for beginners and experienced shooters. The Steel Challenge match takes place on the third Sunday of each month.
Steel Challenge Website: https://scsa.org/
PPC Match Registration: www.practiscore.com
Match Fee: $25 ($5 discount for PPC members)
Match Director: Karl Hannestad / karl.hannestad@gmail.com
Set Up & Tear Down
Action pistol matches require labor intensive set up and tear down. Set up is often done on the day prior to the event. Please contact the match director if you are able to help with set up and please help break stages down after the match. By working together, we can maintain safe, fun, and manageable matches for our members and guests to enjoy.
Matches include Five or Six stages which include at least two of the eight official Steel Challenge classifier stages each match. Some Steel Challenge stages are modified to meet Pima Pistol Club rules that allow a minimum of 30 feet to a steel target and are therefore not eligible as SCSA classifier stages.
You will need 150 rounds of ammunition if you never miss (Bring 200 to be safe.). There are divisions for most centerfire pistols, pistol caliber carbines and .22 rimfire rifles & handguns.
New shooters are welcome. You do not have to be a USPSA/SCSA member. Match payment is done on Practiscore at time of registration.
Pima Pistol is a USPSA/SCSA member club.
Please go to www.practiscore.com to sign up for this match.
We are now running on Winter Hours Schedule. Set up starts at Sunrise and shooting starts at 9 AM or as soon as all stages are set up. Setup help is always needed and appreciated.
What You Need:
Eye and ear protection
A pistol or revolver, caliber 9mm or larger OR a pistol caliber carbine OR a .22 LR rimfire rifle or pistol. Many shooters will shoot two guns in a Steel Challenge match. 2nd gun instructions can be found on Practiscore.
Spare magazines, speedloaders, or moon clips
Belt, holster and magazine/speedloader pouches
PCC or .22 rimfire requires a holster or case and a chamber flag.
Water and sunscreen
Winter hours:
7:00 am – Stage setup
8:00 am – Registration
9:00 am – Shooting starts
Summer hours:
6:00 am – Stage setup
7:30 am – Registration
8:00 am – Shooting starts