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to Your Membership!

Scroll through the sections below to better understand important information on range protocols and how to make the most of your membership with the PPC.



The "Range Basics" tab will bring you to the page containing important information and protocols for any range visit.  It also contains the Range Safety video which pertains to public Ranges 1 & 2.  Please familiarize yourself with the particulars of using the various ranges at the club.

The "Public Range Protocols" & "Member Protocols" tabs will walk you through arrival, check in, range use, and check out for the various ranges at the PPC.  Understand the differences on how to appropriately use the public ranges versus the member ranges.  All these ranges are now accessible to you as a member of the club.

The "Range Safety Manual" tab will open the detailed procedures manual with specifics on each range bay.  As a member, you are responsible for knowing and understanding all the allowed uses & procedures at the club.

Click on the ABOUT US tab to access a page containing the various matches offered at the club, club history, news, and more.


This is a good place to visit to learn about the history and community at the PPC.

Click on the CALENDAR tab to access our Google event calendar.  The default setting is on a daily view.  If you would like to access a monthly grid view, click the monthly calendar button to change the display.


Because this calendar accesses our master calendar, it takes a moment to load as it retrieves the most up to date information.  If your connection takes too long to load, try refreshing the page.



Click on the ranges tab for an individual introduction to the 15 various range bays on the PPC property.  Familiarize yourself with each range and it's particular uses.


In the Members Portal, you will find the PPC Digital Swap Meet.  This is our digital classifieds type board where members can post things they might be looking for or things they are willing to part with.


The bottom of any website page contains an important orange button with an icon on it. 


This button takes you to the PPC members portal


The Members Portal includes: Board of Directors information, an email form to contact the BoD directly, the PPC Digital Swap Meet, archived club newsletters, range staff, club meeting dates, and various club documents.


Click this icon to access website information most relevant to the membership.

In the PPC logo, you will notice the Latin phrase - Vinculum Forte Tuendum.  This translates to "The strong bond to be protected".


Pima Pistol Club has served Tucson for over 100 years and is working to maintain and preserve our legacy and our history.  We have faithfully maintained our tradition of service and our values for over a century.  As a club member, you are now a part of our story.

Various area restaurants, business, and retailers support the membership at Pima Pistol Club. 


The Member Perks tab will bring you to the section of our site where all the discount and perk offers are listed.  Check back often for updates as this list grows and thank you to all the business who support the PPC.

Pima Pistol Club works to create opportunities to train with some of the best local and national instructors in the industry. 


The training tab will bring you to the section of our site where we list upcoming scheduled training.  Check this page for information on events and options for private training.

On your initial membership, and with each annual renewal, you will receive 2 Digital Guest Passes.  You can use these passes to bring a friend to the range and they will allow your non-member guest special access to a member bay as long as they are with you.


These passes hold a value of $20 each towards the non-member daily range use fee.

Welcome to the PPC and see you on the range!
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