PPC Instructor Portal
Thank you for your interest in bringing your training to the members of Pima Pistol Club
and to the Tucson, AZ area firearms training community!
This page contains forms and instructions on how to establish your Professional User Group with PPC, how the class process works for the club, basic class procedure guidelines, a range fee guide, and blank forms for student rosters and waivers.
See you on the range!
Establishing a User Group
Before you can hold any classes at Pima Pistol Club, you must first be approved by the club Board of Directors to hold your training. This approval is typically done at a regular board of directors meeting held the second Tuesday each month or by a special meeting or vote for approval.
There are various important pieces of information required for review before a user group is approved.
- Instructor certifications for primary event instructors or leads
- Detailed course or event description specifying all activities planned
- A completed User group application
- Submission of all required insurance documents (see link below)
Professional Instructor Affiliate User Group - If you apply for this type of user group, recurring events can be scheduled when they fit into the range schedule.
Individual Events - If you apply for an individual event, the approval is only connected to the specific date(s) and details listed on the application.
Click the button below for a copy of the User Group/Event application and be sure to fill it out completely and indicate what you are applying for.
After approval
After your user group or event is approved by the board of directors, the actual scheduling process can begin. Most correspondence will be with the club Program Coordinator who works with the Administrator to check scheduling availability followed by emailed confirmations on dates added to the official calendar.
Your confirmation will include an overview of the range use process for the day of your event, an instructor packet which outlines range rates relative to the range bay and student count, and a set of student roster & waiver forms to be completed on the day of your event.
These forms will be emailed to Instructor User Groups and Event primary contacts. They are also available at the bottom of this website page. It is the responsibility of the primary contact to print out the forms as a part of the course prep and have them available to the students the day of the class.
Available ranges
There are some basic range types available for training classes. Each range has it's own requirements, capacity, and pricing.
Range 1 NORTH
This is the bench section of Range 1. The capacity is for 1 to 3 students. The range allows bench pistol familiarization training - no holsters, draws, transitions, or any other dynamic training. This range bay works in cooperation with the public range users and follows all public hot and cold range protocols. Range 1 NORTH is available hourly.
Range 5C
This range allows dynamic pistol training and is suitable for up to 6 students. Maximum distance is roughly 20 yards. Range 5C is available in a 3 hour block (7:30am, 10:30am, & 1:30pm) -or- for the full day.
Range 5A
This range allows dynamic pistol training and is suitable for up to 15 students. Maximum distance is roughly 25 yards. Range 5A is available in a 4 hour block (7:30 & noon) -or- for the full day.
Range 3 or 4
These ranges allow dynamic pistol and/or rifle training and are suitable for up to 20 students. The maximum distance is 50 yards. Use of these ranges are full day only and include the classroom. Ranges 3 & 4 are only available for the full day.
range Fees
Range fees at PPC have been calculated by time slot and total student count. The time slots for range use are standardized for ease of scheduling and administration. Factoring time, value, and student count gives a wide variety of access and range rates for various sized classes and class types.
Click the button below for a matrix of range rates across the available training ranges.
PPC is committed to promoting the shooting sports and to offering training while striking a balance to keep expected ranges available for membership use. When a training group requests a range, these requests are considered and balanced against range availability on the particular day and time. Not all requests can be scheduled but every attempt is made to accommodate the full set of interests from a diverse and growing membership.
Weekdays typically provide the most availability and some weekend availability has been made possible by working in cooperation with match directors. When possible, training and matches can run concurrently to open more opportunities while keeping access open to private member bays. Instructor range requests must be considered on an individual basis and PPC can not guarantee range bay availability until the full schedule is considered. After the consideration of all scheduling factors, confirmations will be sent out to lock in any particular event for instructors.
on the class day
Waivers & Rosters
To ensure accurate class counts and to inform the on duty Range Safety Officers of who is on the range property, student waivers and rosters are to be completed at the onset of any course and need to be turned in to the RSO before instruction begins. Packets with these forms will be emailed to the group contact upon confirmation of scheduling. These forms should be printed by the group contact and supplied to the students on the day of class. DO NOT RELY ON CLUB STAFF TO PROVIDE THE WAIVER & ROSTER PACKETS ON THE DAY OF THE CLASS.
Settling of Fees
Before leaving the range, the group contacts will follow up with the on duty RSO for instructions on fee payment for range use. If courses are held when the Administrator is not on site, most often the fees will be settled on the morning of the next business day.